Disney World Dining For The Clueless

Okay I’m not really saying anyone is clueless, but if you just have no idea where you want to eat when you visit Disney the next time, here are some Disney World dining tips.
First of all, you may read a lot of articles telling you to save money pack a lunch in your backpack and nonsense like that. I say, don’t do things like that. You are on vacation, or at least you are having a mini holiday! For goodness sake, do not pack a lunch. Now, if you have an army of kids with you and you want to pack some snacks, sure, go ahead. But it really is a lot more fun if you eat in a restaurant even if it’s just a walk-up counter restaurant.
So anyway, your best bet for an interesting/good restaurant will be Epcot since you can choose the country and type of food you want to eat. Five years ago I would have said all the restaurants there were really good, and a few years earlier I would have highly recommended Italy. I had a superb meal there once before they change over to the new place they have now. But still, you can find some good eats there. Canada for example has a great steakhouse called Le Cellier. Bistro De Paris in France is well regarded but I have not tried it. I never thought I would like French food but after seeing Julie and Julia (or vice versa?) I had to re-think that attitude since it seems French food is American food with lots of butter. I happen to love butter.
Does anyone like those turkey legs they sell at Disney? The first time I saw someone carrying one around I thought they had an ice cream cone. Then I glanced over again and realized it was a turkey leg. They just do not look appealing to me. I don’t know.
There are a couple of walk-up counter service places I really like. One is Cosmic Ray’s over at the Magic Kingdom in Tomorrowland. I like it because the chicken is really good. I have actually never tried anything else. Yes, I am one of those people who, when I find something I like, I refuse to eat anything else. Well rarely do I switch. And I love the chicken there. You probably won’t think you are eating at Bobby Flay’s restaurant or anything like that but for the type of eatery this is, it’s pretty good, and you can also watch the robotic/animatronic Ray guy who will sing for you. Or…I don’t think he is a guy. I don’t really remember what he is. He sings and I think he plays the piano. But no matter, it’s cool, the air conditioner is running, and you can take a siesta from the heat.
The other counter place I love is over in Epcot, the Yorkshire County Fish Shop at the United Kingdom. Very good fish and chips there. I don’t even bother with the sit-down restaurants over in Epcot because I like this place so much. And I don’t even think they have anything else on the menu other than fish and chips so you won’t have to spend time perusing the menu and deciding what to have.
If you venture over to the resorts, there are lots more choices. Over at the Grand Floridian there are several really good restaurants to choose from including Narcoossee’s which is a seafood place, Citricos (Mediterranean), and Grand Floridan Cafe, American. You won’t go wrong with either of these three. At Fort Wilderness you will find the Trail’s End which has American food which is quite good. It’s a buffet at the moment and the food is simply, hearty, and good.
Of course that is just a tip of the iceberg when you start to discuss Disney World dining. But do try some of the restaurants and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.